Thursday, July 18, 2019

Day 59: 7/18/19: Rest Day

I had a great night's sleep last night.  Didn't wake up until after 6 a.m.

No bicycle riding today.  Delta and I just lounged around the apartment while Alyssa was at work. We went on a couple of short walks.  It was hot again today.  During our 2nd walk, in the middle of the day, he found a shade and figured he would take a break (pics below).  After about 15 minutes, he got up and made it back to the apartment.

He added a little more drama inside the apartment (pic below).  He was hot.

Alyssa took me to Chipotle's for supper for a belated Father's Day meal.  Afterward, we went to Varsity Donuts, and I got a couple of treats there (pics below).  Because Alyssa is doing "Whole 30," she was not able to get anything at the donut shop.  Didn't bother me a bit to eat in front of her.  We then stopped by a grocery store and I got a pint of vanilla ice cream.  Yep, ate that in front of her too.  :)

Pic below of Alyssa and Delta relaxing this evening.

Pic below of me and Delta relaxing this evening.

Tried to get a good sunset pic behind Alyssa's apartment, but waited a little too late.

This has been a great, much needed, rest day.

Total miles today: 0